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Among the reasons why one's own tissue is perceived as foreign by the immune system may be.

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Demyelinating processes are considered an autoimmune lesion of clobetasol online. Congenital disorders in the structure of myelin. Congenital or acquired pathology of the immune system. Infectious lesions of the nervous system. Metabolic diseases. Tumor and paraneoplastic processes. With all these diseases, the myelin sheath of the nervous tissue is destroyed and replaced by connective tissue formations. This is the most common of the demyelinating diseases. Its peculiarity is that the foci of demyelination are located in several parts of the central nervous system at once, so the symptoms are diverse. The first signs of the disease appear at the age of about 25 years, more often in women. In men, multiple sclerosis is less common, but progresses more rapidly.

In this regard, several groups are distinguished.

Pyramidal symptoms - paresis of the limbs, muscle spasms, convulsions, increased tendon reflexes and weakening of the skin. Stem symptoms - nystagmus (trembling of the eyes) in various directions, a decrease in the severity of facial expressions, difficulty focusing the gaze. Pelvic symptoms - dysfunction of the pelvic organs, occurs when the nuclei of the spinal cord are damaged. Cerebellar symptoms - impaired coordination of movements, unsteady gait, dizziness. Visual - loss of visual fields, decreased sensitivity to buy clobetasol online, decreased contrast of perception, scotomas (dark spots in front of the eyes). Sensitivity disorders - paresthesia (goosebumps), violation of vibration and temperature sensitivity, a feeling of pressure in the limbs. Mental symptoms - hypochondria, apathy, low mood.

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The most common method for diagnosing multiple sclerosis is MRI. It allows you to order temovate online foci of demyelination of the brain. In the pictures, they look like lighter oval blotches against the background of the brain. The typical location is near the ventricles of the brain and lower near the cortex. With a long course of the disease, the foci merge, the size of the brain ventricles increases (a sign of atrophy). The method of evoked potentials allows you to determine the degree of violation of nerve conduction. At the same time, skin, visual and auditory potentials are evaluated.

  • Symptoms of multiple sclerosis depend on which parts of the central nervous system are most affected by the disease.
  • These symptoms rarely occur all together as the disease develops gradually over many years.
  • Electroneuromyography - a method similar to ECG, allows you to determine the foci of myelin destruction, see their boundaries and assess the degree of nerve damage.
  • Immunological methods determine the presence of temovate in the CSF and viral antigens.
  • In addition to these methods, others can be used, for example, to establish the presence of intoxication.
  • A complete cure for multiple sclerosis is impossible, but there are very effective methods of pathogeneticand symptomatic treatment.
  • In particular, the use of interferons - rebif, betaferon - has proven itself well.